Pre-Conference Workshop of the SRA-E DACHL Chapter

Information on future pre-conference workshops, such as the one planned at the SRA-E Conference in Lund in 2023, will be posted here.


Past pre-conference workshops:

The second pre-conference workshop of the SRA-E Annual Conference in Novi Sad was held on Sunday, June 12, 2022 with the topic “Science communication in the field of risk research”. In total, 11 young researchers from nine countries participated in this year’s pre-conference workshop.

In the first part of the workshop, two experienced researchers (Christiane Pölzl-Viol from the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection and Astrid Kause from the Leuphana University Lüneburg) gave insights on important aspects of science and risk communication. During the two talks, the participants learned about the importance of public engagement and how to facilitate discourse on risk-related topics. Afterwards, the participants had the possibility to discuss in small groups what challenges they have faced when communicating risks and how they would address them with their newly gained knowledge. Subsequently, all groups shared their experiences and discussed their approaches with the two experts. After the discussion, all participants joined the social program organized by the local hosts to engage in a more personal exchange with all conference participants.


The first pre-conference workshop of the SRA-E Annual Conference, organized by the DACHL Chapter was held on Sunday, 23rd June 2019 under the title "Opportunities and Challenges in Interdisciplinary Risk Research." 13 young researchers from six countries participated in the workshop.

Two experienced researchers (Dr. Roh Pin Lee from the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and Dr. Angela Bearth from the ETH Zurich) gave insights into their work with interdisciplinary teams. Afterwards, participants applied their newly gained knowledge by developing ideas on a joint research project in small interdisciplinary groups. Understanding the different perspectives on risk and developing a common language on communicating about project ideas, methods and topics was challenging but also enriching for the young researchers. The workshop closed with a networking part where participants got to know each other more personally and afterwards went to the conference reception together.