The abstract submission is now closed.
Submit your abstract (max 350 words) HERE (link to abstract submission system). Please list keywords when submitting your abstract to make it easier for us to manage the review.
You can upon submission provide information if the abstract is a symposium or if you want it to belong to a special session.
A special session is a set of contributing presentations under a common theme. Each talk is submitted with an abstract and is subject to review. Anyone can propose a special session and you indicate which special session you would like to have upon submission. Other presentations can be added to the sessions by the organisers if they fit into the theme. Send an email to the organisers with the name of your session if you want to be seen on this page.
A symposium takes place in a program of sessions but with a format different from a set of contributing talks. Submit an abstract for the symposium here as well and it will be reviewed by the organisers.
The organising committee will review all abstracts. Submission of an abstract is not a guarantee that it will be accepted. The organising committee can suggest changing an abstract submitted for an oral presentation into a poster.
High-quality and vivid sessions will be constructed from the accepted abstracts and suggested special sessions.
For enquiries about the conference, send an email to [email protected]