We invite contributing authors of oral and poster presentations and keynote-speakers to show their interest in submitting a paper for the Journal of Risk Research Special Issue “Risk in Time and Space, SRA Europe’s 32nd Conference, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece” in the Editors for the Special Issue will be Prof. Kalliopi Sapountzaki (Harokopio University of Athens) and Dr. Miranda Dandoulaki (Risk and Disaster Management expert, Secretary to the BoD of IDRiM Society) supported by members of the Scientific Committee of the Conference depending on the thematic scope of submissions. The Special Issue may be structured into parts with specific thematic orientation (e.g. Part A-Disaster Risk, Part B-Everyday Risk), according to the thematic specialization of the submissions.
Send your full text paper to [email protected] before October 6th 2024. Short-listed papers will be invited to submit to JRR. Requirements/prescriptions to submit a paper to the Special Issue are: (a) at least one of the authors of the full paper has contributed to the conference, (b) the subject/title of the full paper submitted identifies with the respective presentation in the Conference and (c) the paper follows the guidelines for authors set by the JRR.
Please note that Taylor & Francis is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once your paper has been pre-selected and assessed for suitability by the editors, it will then be double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees.