Conference Theme and Key Topics

Risk in Time and Space was the central theme of the SRA-Ε Athens 2024. Variability of risks in time and space is one of the most challenging elements. All types of risks (socio-natural, NATECH, technological or other man-induced) are space and time dependent regardless of their hazard origin.

Variability of risks in time and space is associated to variability of their components: hazard, exposure, vulnerability, sensitivity, resilience and adaptive/coping capacity. Hazard variability and unpredictability is mostly evident in the case of climatic and meteorological hazards showing not only unexpected changes over time but also variations between one place and another. Exposure is, indeed, increasing not only because of intensification and higher frequency of certain extreme events but expanding spatial development as well and constant mobility / flows of potentially exposed elements (people, goods and services, investment capital etc.). Regarding vulnerability and resilience/adaptive capacity these are probably the most volatile properties of the exposed entities. Indeed, complex processes of vulnerability transformation, transference and interaction amongst the several vulnerability facets (human, social, economic, institutional, physical) unfold in time and space.

Not only scientific and objective but perceived and subjective risks also are time and space dependent because communities change in the course of their development history and they are featured by different risk experiences, risk knowledge, risk culture, levels of acceptable and tolerable risk and risk governance patterns. 

We welcome contributions related to risk assessment, risk characterization, risk perception, risk communication, risk management, risk governance, and policy relating to risk. All hazards and consequent risks for individuals, public and private sector organizations, and communities at local, national, regional, or global levels are of concern while the emphasis is on risk variations as well as risk management and risk governance transformations and differences in time and space.


Risk Analysis Fundamentals

  • The Risk concept in history and across various scientific domains;
  • Variability of risk determinants/components: exposure, hazard, vulnerability, adaptive capacity, resilience;
  • Spatial and temporal aspects of systemic risk;
  • The past and the future of risks, crises and disasters;
  • Risk in education and learning in Europe and beyond;
  • Risk in law across Europe;

Risk Assessment

  • Spatial data-bases for risk assessment and mapping;
  • Risk assessment methods capturing variability of risk;
  • Areas/world regions, hot-spots for hazards, risks and disasters (geophysical, meteorological, hydrological, climatological);
  • Vulnerability- and resilience-based social-spatial inequalities;
  • New technologies for hazard and risk observation and monitoring;

(Disaster) Risk Management

  • Historical and contemporary (disaster) risk management paradigms;
  • Spatial and temporal issues of the disaster risk management cycle;
  • Urgency and uncertainty in crisis management;
  • Management models adapting to variability of risk;
  • Engineering and non-engineering safety regulations in different eras and contexts;
  • Past and new technologies in risk and crisis management;

Risk Perception, Communication and Governance

  • Risk perception and communication in different regions, cultures and eras;
  • Systemic risk communication and governance;
  • Risk governance case studies for different regions;

(Disaster) Risk Mitigation in Sectoral Policies

  • Policies for enhancing personal, community, institutional, urban resilience;
  • Climate Change mitigation and adaptation policies;
  • Risk-based Spatial Planning;
  • Risks and Insurance across Europe;

Monitoring and Coping with Real Risk Problems

  • Temporal / spatial analysis and management of geophysical hazards and risks;
  • Temporal / spatial analysis and management of Climate Change hazards and risks;
  • Technological and Na-tech risk assessment, mapping and management;
  • History and geography of public health, epidemic and pandemic risks;
  • Cyber security risk assessment for critical infrastructure in Europe;
  • Food Security/Safety in Europe and beyond;
  • Operational Aspects of Crisis Management;

Risk and Ethics

  • Risk Culture and Acceptable Risk in Europe and beyond 
  • (Disaster) Risk management and cultural Inclusion

Proposals for additional risk topics for special sessions or symposia were welcome.