6th SRA-E Benelux meeting, Bilthoven, Netherlands

The 6th annual SRA-E Benelux conference: “Risk perception: From Science to Policy”

October 4th 2022, RIVM, 9:15-17:30

Location: Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, 3721 MA, Bilthoven


The 6th SRA-E Benelux Annual Meeting took place on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 and was hosted by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). The theme was "Risk Perception: From Science to Policy." A summary of the meeting can be accessed here.

The conference aims to bring together researchers, academics, practitioners, and policy makers engaged in risk analysis. It also aims to promote risk research and knowledge and understanding of risk analysis techniques within the Benelux countries and beyond.

Conference theme

Several decades of research have shown that the way people perceive risks plays an important role in people's decision making and behaviour. Risk perception is as much a process as it is an evaluation. It touches every aspect of our daily lives.

Risk perception influences our choices to get vaccinated, to work safely, and whether we wear our seatbelt. It affects our choices to buy novel food products, our decisions on what type of treatment to take to combat illness, and whether we accept unfamiliar innovative technologies like genetic modification or cryptocurrency. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has once again made clear that addressing risk perception and behaviour can be key determinants of effective policy response. Risk perception thus has implications for an individual’s judgments, decisions and behaviours. It also has implications for the communication about these risks, the acceptance and adherence to policy as well as preventive measures by society.

But what do we know and what can we still learn about, for example, the determinants of risk perception? And what makes people act upon their risk perception in a way that mitigates or increases the risk? How can these insights be used to improve informed and evidence-based decision making? How can these insights be used in communication among members of the general public and policy makers?

The organization invites all contributions related to risk, e.g., risk analysis, risk management, risk governance, risk ethics, risk perception, and risk communication. We particularly welcome contributions that focus on risk perception in the domains of, for example (environmental) health, (medical) decision making, occupational health and safety, and policy making. Contributions from other domains are also welcome.



Location: RIVM, Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, 3721 MA, Bilthoven

09.15 – 10.00    Registration & coffee

10.00 – 10.15   Welcome’s address

Charles Wijnker, Director of Environment and Safety Division, RIVM

 10.15 – 11.00    Keynote address 1

What's going wrong? About concerned citizens and reassuring politicians and neglecting citizens' risk perception in policy making.
Danielle Timmermans, Professor in Public Health Risk Communication, Amsterdam UMC, Department of Public and Occupational Health

 11.00 – 11.15    Coffee break

 11.15 – 12.30   Oral presentations 1

Towards a holistic theoretical model on the psychological dynamics underlying cyber resilience. Remco Spitsbergen

Image-based sexual abuse: Perceived risk and self-protective behaviors among young people. Ellen Misana     

Cognitive and emotional interaction in evaluating risks likelihoods. Elisa Tedaldi          

The confounding effect of response styles on radiological risk perception estimates in Belgium. Melissa Muric

12.30 – 13.15    Lunch break

13.15 – 14.00   Keynote address 2

Indoor air pollutant radon: Social science research for better policy making.
Tanja Perko, Principle Investigative Researcher, Belgian Nuclear  Research Center SCK-CEN

14.00 – 15.15   Oral presentations 2

Covid and culture: on the importance of risk perceptions in explaining variation in government action. Frederic Van der Moere

Values as causes of emotions towards a smart home device; extending the 19 values scale with privacy to understand emotions in digital risk contexts. Nicole Huijts

Life events and changing personal risk perceptions: lessons for policymakers. Jona Linde

Too smart to be safe: the unexpected risks of AI-augmented systems at scale. Fabio Massacci

15.15 – 15.45   Coffee break

15.45 – 16.30   Roundtable discussion:

Risk Perception in Crisis Situations

16.30 – 17.00   SRA E Benelux Business Meeting (open to all)

17.00 – 18.00    Drinks


Important dates and links

  • April 29th 2022: Registration and Call for Abstracts is open
  • July 18th 2022: Call for Abstracts closes
  • August 15th 2022: You will be informed about acceptance status of your abstract
  • October 1st 2022: Registration closes (also: no refund of fee after this date)
  • October 4th 2022: Conference on Risk Perception: From Science to Policy

Registration link: Registration

Abstract submission: [email protected]

More information

Additional information on the conference will be posted on www.sraeurope.eu/benelux-chapter and our social media channels. Or contact the SRA-E Benelux Board directly via [email protected].

Social media channels: